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Doubia Kolsyrat naturligt mineralvatten


Glasflaska 750 ml

Artikelnr: 101186 Kategori:


Protected in the rocks of its source, the sparkling natural mineral water DOUBIA presents a stable quality over time and meets the strict requirements of the legislation of natural mineral waters, in terms of its physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics.

From the famous spring of Agioi Apostoloi in Polygyros, Halkidiki, it is the first Greek gastronomic water of the market with a high content of calcium, magnesium and other precious minerals.

Cations, mg/L Anions, mg/L
Να+ 88 HC03- 1360
Κ+ 13 CI- 25
Ca2+ 296 SO42- 61
Μg2+ 71 NO3- 6
NH4+ 1,1 NO2- 0,00

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Vikt 750 g


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